In June 2016 I founded Restore Our American Republic (ROAR, for the purpose of pursuing the following mission:
"To improve human life in the U.S. and beyond by restoring the Republic in America and its distinctive institution of individual rights"
I felt then and now (August 2019) that the key to addressing America’s cultural, economic, and political ills is understanding how and why its foundation of individualism has been eroded--AND then devising an action plan to begin restoring it in our country.
No structure whether it be a building or a system of ideas can long survive without a solid foundation. Strengthening America’s foundation of individualism is the mission of Restore Our American Republic.
Prior to the founding of ROAR, I worked for 11 years as a hydro-geologist and 16 years as a technical writer documenting business processes and products. During that time I wrote polemical pieces on the destructive aspects of the environmentalism philosophy and offered a pro-human standard of value as an alternative to the mainstream environmentalist approach to resource depletion and pollution issues. (My essay “Environmentalism Humanized” in Liberty for the 21st Century on the ROAR website presents a summary of that work.)
In recent years I have broadened my focus to include other areas of our culture affected by the decaying foundation of individualism, including politics, business, economics, science, education, and art/culture. ROAR will present approaches toward the strengthening of America’s foundation in these areas as well as championing the work of activists and organizations working to restore the republic of America.
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