Of course Conservatives don't trust Facebook. Facebook labels their political beliefs as hate speech. All of the concerns listed are what has been happening to Conservatives because Facebook is run by people who oppose Conservatism and was designed to do these things.
"From the Ivy League to Hollywood and the mainstream media, Americans with traditional morals or conservative politics have often felt excluded from the country’s elite, culture-creating institutions. Facebook offered an alternative: a place to express views and share news that you couldn’t find in the New York Times..."
We can also leave. I was of the opinion that regulation would solve the problem but the more ai thought about it the more I realized that we can never trust them.
I feel like the solution of downgrading articles that Facebook's "Fact-checkers" determine to be incorrect is only going to allow them to have bias cover. Snopes and other fact-checkers have deliberately skewed left and are not trustworthy either. It is just legitimizing their bias.
All you can do is pray.
The situation is becoming ridiculous. Unfortunately, I don't think people will realize what is going on before it is too late
No one should trust FB. There are a tremendous number of examples of bias in social media, not just news. This conservative doesn't trust the RINO's and moderates who run the GOP either. Just look at the VA 2nd District's in ability to put up a candidate who has backbone or guts enough stand up for the tax payers. The GOP doesn't seem to have learned anything from McCain's loss, Romney's loss and President Trump's victory.