"China signaled Monday it is now seeking a "calm" end to its ongoing trade war with the U.S. and President Trump voiced optimism about a deal, as Asian markets crumbled and China's currency plummeted to an 11-year low following the latest tariffs on $550 billion in Chinese goods announced last Friday by the Trump administration..."

It's not surprising this is getting relatively little coverage in the MSM, aside from business-focused news. The Chinese will continue trying to undermine President Trump's re-election, but he threw them off their game big-time here and this was them getting very close to crying "uncle." The other interesting aspect here is that I believe the Chinese economy is in a recession. Larry Kudlow says they have always fudged their economic numbers and you're seeing predictions of Chinese growth around 6% or so. If these figures are based on their government's data, then I think they're experiencing a contraction.
I agree that they will try to hurt him. He is the only one willing to stand up to them. It would be surprising if they didn't try
I expect China will continue to ratchet up then ratchet down trade deals so they can destabilize the markets to make Trump look bad, resulting in trouble for Trump’s 2020 re-election.