This makes sense in no way. Are there any Republicans in Chicago...other than Kanye West? "Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed Republicans for gun violence in her city Monday night, telling Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to “keep our name out of your mouth,” and posting a chart that claimed 60% of guns recovered in Chicago come from out of state. Lightfoot’s tweets came after a West Texas shooting Saturday killed 7 people and wounded 22 others..."
I guess we can't solve your own problems, blame it on the Republicans. Still, Chicago has the highest murder rate in the country and, supposedly, has the strictest gun laws. This makes the consideration of tighter gun control ludicrous.
I get the idea about better background checks, but people who want to do bad things can acquire the equipment there to do.
Without an armed constabulary to resist the overreach of a government grown too large, there is no balance in society. That armed constabulary would be us, and the Second Amendment protects our rights to bear arms.
This women is completely out of touch and a prime example of the trash Democrats have in office right now.
Everyone knows Chicago is a Democrat run cesspool but of course it's Republicans.
It's rather sad how Democrats really can't look at themselves when it comes to problems instead on constantly blaming others (ex. Russia, Republicans, etc.).
For over 40 years Democrats have controlled Chicago and they want to blame the GOP for their failed policies? Is she smoking crack??? Every Democratic Candidate for the presidential nomination wants to enforce polices that have been in place in Chicago, effectively turning the nation into the death trap that is Chicago. CONTINUED FAILED DEMOCRATIC Policies are to blame. Democrat=Death!